This series of graphics was part of a branding project. I was given and fictional company, BeanSpirited, and was requested to create a new on-the-go caffeinated beverage. This project was doubly challenging, as I needed to not only create a logo for the company, but also develop an idea for a new product completely from scratch. The brand I developed was called Bougie Boost: an all new on-the-go beverage catering to a demographic who prefers to get fancy about their caffeinated beverages, but still want the convenience of finding it at the local gas station. Honey Lavender Oat Milk Latte, anyone?

The first step was to create a label and nutrition guide for the bottle, then a bottle mockup, a package design for a four pack, and a product sell sheet.  The last component of the project was to create a social media advertisement for the brand.


Lego Brick Road Book Cover


Under the Wisconsin Sun Movie Poster